Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Might not do anymore for awhile. They take a long time. So....if you take any please credit me...and chack out my main blog!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Roxy Bases

These are bases of Roxy

Stella Bases

These are bases of Stella

Musa Bases

These are Some bases of Musa! Email me, Alexaalexa97@gmail.com, to tell me if you know what the picture was in the 1st place!


Hello Everyone! Lately I've been sending GraceQute, VenissaKawaii, and mileycyrushater4eva from youtube. Grace and Venissa both say I should make a blog for my bases. So now I have. I make tons of bases. GraceQute, VenissaKawaii, and mileycyrushater4eva are the only ones that have seen every base I've made and found. So here I'll post them when I have the chance! So hope you like my bases!